Permission to dream together, about towns
On a hot summer’s day last year, 8 strangers met for the first time in Shipley, a town in West Yorkshire to begin a collective imagination practice journey with an invitation from myself, stewarded by Huddlecraft, Canopy & Centre for Public Impact. The aim? To get curious about our towns and what their future could hold.

Join us for…Your Town Jam
Join a 3 month hybrid learning journey to collectively reimagine the future of your town, by growing & testing your ideas in real life.
Towns are places we buy and sell in, live in and move through, play and work in. What might happen if we put relationships at their heart? What if we made everyone truly feel welcome? Or put the circular economy into practice? Or centred future generations? What would these changes look and feel like? How can we usher them into the real world through collective imagination and experimentation?