Space to Play
In June 2023 we began a community wide scoping exercise with children and families in Frizinghall to explore existing and imagined play spaces within the neighbourhood. Emerging from a series of design workshops, walkabout and play audits we identified key barriers to children getting to play spaces independently; such as speeding and pavement parking. Our engagement also highlighted opportunities to reimagine existing, unloved snickets. In response we developed a neighbourhood wide community vision to connect key destinations through snicket revitalisation.
The Big Idea - to create a signed and playful network of safe, largely traffic free routes across the neighbourhood to connect where people live to schools, green and wild spaces. This will create safe routes for children on foot to key destinations locally, facilitating movement to play and movement as play.
This scoping project was funded by JU:MP a Sport England local delivery pilot in Bradford and we’re currently seeking partners to develop this project further. Want to find out more? Get in touch.